TweetFor the home page of my site I wanted to cause certain divs to fadeIn using jQuery after varying amounts of time. In javascript we can use setTimeout() to schedule an arbitrary function call for some point in future. However the function works differently between Firefox and Internet Explorer (MSIE). In FireFox, you would do ...
I’m glad I don’t work in a phone shop…
TweetScenario planning derives from the observation that, given the impossibility of knowing precisely how the future will play out, a good decision or strategy to adopt is one that plays out well across several possible futures. To find that “robust” strategy, scenarios are created in plural, such that each scenario diverges markedly from the others. ...
TweetInteresting thoughts on hierarchies vs networks in this influential paper by Anne-Marie Slaughter, America’s Edge: Power in the Networked Century. In this world, the measure of power is connectedness. Almost 30 years ago, the psychologist Carol Gilligan wrote about differences between the genders in their modes of thinking. She observed that men tend to see ...
Interesting application of Darwinian theory to social networks from Justin Milne until recently head of broadband at Telstra.
The net in all its forms, wired or wireless, fixed or mobile has become the greatest contributor to the spread of memes the world has ever seen. Never have so many people been able to share so many ideas or concentrate their intelligence so rapidly.
Looks like the u.s. state department is ‘getting IT’
The underpinning philosophy of 21st-century statecraft is that the networked world ‘exists above the state, below the state and through the state’